Thursday, January 31, 2013


               The Last of the Mohicans, is a great movie taking place in 1757 during the French and Indian War.
               Watching the first fifteen minutes , the movie introduced Native Americans , Indians , British while mentioning the french, Scottish and different tribes. Languages that were spoken were, English, French, Mohawk and Huron. The relationships among the British are very demanding towards each other, while on the other hand the Native Americans enjoyed each others company and seemed to care more for one another.
             During the movie while the British were traveling they were attacked by Indians; as the Native Americas were very observant of their land noticing there was company in their woods. Hawkeye, Uncas and Chingachgook come across the attack and was able to save Duncan, Cora and Alice ; British characters. One can see not every tribe was friendly with each other for one reason or another, however for obvious reasons they each had different schedules upon their life and responsibilities.
               Native Americans and American Indians I believe are stereotyped still to this day. Stereotypes such as having dark eyes, skin, and braided dark hair. They are believed to be very spiritual people that paint their face and dance by fires with burning incenses.
               As generations pass, heritage will always remain in our hearts and blood. Whether a Native American or American Indian decides to marry inside the native culture or outside, this can prove any stereotype false.


1 comment:

  1. The British exercised their power and treated others very condescendingly. Sometimes mainstream culture treats outsiders the same.
