Sunday, February 10, 2013

Multicultural Manners In School


       In this video, it brings to my attention how the priority of education differs among cultures.  I do believe that the role of education does so happen to differ depending on their economic and financial situation. The woman in this video spoke about the Latin Americans and Mexican cultures. These cultures consider family obligations their top priority.
        As a future teacher, I believe it is important to be aware of and respect family traditions and or beliefs. By putting aside work for the student when they plan on leaving , which the student will have to have completed and bring back with them when they are done. Also I will prepare extra help for these students that are in need. As a future teacher it is important to me to have the family comfortable as well as the student, however the family must understand and come to an agreement that their child must do work on the go. Family is very important and so is a child's education. 

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