Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Family Stories that Bind Us

     This article I found extremely interesting for many different reasons; most of all because I can compare my life. As a child, I loved my childhood. Every memory I have my mother and father made it so the we had happy memorable moments. Growing up and to this day, my family is very close. My mother kept my brother, sister and I very involved with our family history; and we were eager to learn as well. I was very fortunate to have a healthy, happy, loving family from both my moms side and dads side. As well as, I am very proud of my family and their accomplishments; it only makes me want to accomplish just as much also. I do believe it is important to know your family history, of their ups/downs as well as knowing how they overcome their downs; that it does bind them into understanding your families life that you practically just invited them to. I think that is the problem, some parents aren't inviting their children to be a part of their life and history; and with that the child is lost. However, I do believe in punishment as well. Children are children  and as adults it is our responsibility to correct them when needed; otherwise the children will cause a ruckus and not respect your words later on in life. On the other hand, I really enjoyed this article because i will be using these techniques when I become a mother. It is also nice to know scientists/psychologists have done studies to prove to families that this is successful.

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