Friday, April 26, 2013

Lost Boys of Sudan

Prior to these videos I was not aware of the civil war that had occurred in Sudan, or the birth of “The lost boys”. I learned that Sudan was thrown into a civil war resulting in an order being sent out to kill all the young boys residing in Sudan. To escape their death these young men ranging from 5 to 10 years old fled their homes and families in order to travel across Africa to Ethiopia. In their travels many had died of starvation and or dehydration, as well as from the attacks of hyenas. Sometime after settling into a make shift camp in Ethiopia, the government their collapsed resulting in the boys have to flee again, this time doubling back through Africa to Kenya. Once there the Kenyan government provided them with donated clothing, as well as having them taught to read and speak English. After this they were given a choice to be relocated to America where they were given the chance at a new life. The most surprising thing I learned about the lost boys is that when most of them were relocated to America they felt so indebted to the government and the people here for helping them. I understand the need to say thank you, but one of those young men went as far as to join the military in his need to give back to America. The most negative experiences these young men had were the times on their journey that they could feel themselves slowly dying or wasting away, as well as the thought of what going to happen to them or what happened to their families back home? If a lost boy was a student it my class, I would be sure to answer whatever question he may have. I would also direct him to a form of a support group so that he would not be alone, and to learn how Americans interact with one another.

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